First, is the ad for Swiss Colony, circa 1971. Let's take a look at it and discuss:
This ad was the result of Mr. Link trying to revive his slumping fashion career. He knew Swiss Colony was looking for an authentic he-man type to plug their meat. Regardless, Mr. Link thought he could fake it and set out to get that job. After wooing the Wisconsin Sausage Council President's daughter with a wild night in Milwaukee, he was named spokesman. Of course, this was done with the approval of the scheming Mrs. Link II (Tova Benvik). After a year of flogging wieners, Mr. Link caught the eye of the Swiss Colony folks. Like many of Mr. Link's careers, it was short-lived. As can be seen, he had gotten quite paunchy after a year of sausage, cheese and beer. The extra heft, the refusal to remove the gold jewelry, the ever-present sausage-cheese-beer breath, and worst of all - the holier-than-thou, self-righteous, sarcastic attitude that could not be humbled made Mr. Link a liability. The good people at Swiss Colony could take no more and after one contractually- obligated ad, Mr. Link was history.
Next: The Downward Spiral Part II - Mr. Link: Superhero??