October 22, 2007

The Downward Spiral Part I

My sources have provided me with some forgotten gems from the career of Mr. Link. These are from the early '70s when his career began winding down after the scandal involving Ms. Tova.

First, is the ad for Swiss Colony, circa 1971. Let's take a look at it and discuss:

This ad was the result of Mr. Link trying to revive his slumping fashion career. He knew Swiss Colony was looking for an authentic he-man type to plug their meat. Regardless, Mr. Link thought he could fake it and set out to get that job. After wooing the Wisconsin Sausage Council President's daughter with a wild night in Milwaukee, he was named spokesman. Of course, this was done with the approval of the scheming Mrs. Link II (Tova Benvik). After a year of flogging wieners, Mr. Link caught the eye of the Swiss Colony folks. Like many of Mr. Link's careers, it was short-lived. As can be seen, he had gotten quite paunchy after a year of sausage, cheese and beer. The extra heft, the refusal to remove the gold jewelry, the ever-present sausage-cheese-beer breath, and worst of all - the holier-than-thou, self-righteous, sarcastic attitude that could not be humbled made Mr. Link a liability. The good people at Swiss Colony could take no more and after one contractually- obligated ad, Mr. Link was history.

Next: The Downward Spiral Part II - Mr. Link: Superhero??