Chronicles of the mis-spent life of Mr. Link...Adventurer - World-Traveler - Coffee-swilling Gasbag...
July 25, 2018
Mr. Link on Vacay!
On vacay, Mr. L enjoys his first Lucky and Cup O'Joe of the day while listening to some jazzy tunes on his AM radio!
Two hours later - Mr. L saunters into the kitchen to greet Mrs. L for another Cup O'Joe. Wait! Does Mr. L have a coffee pot in every room?!? His daughter Linkette is in the background autographing Mr. L's 8x10 glossies to send out to fan's requests (if he ever gets any).
Sacre Bleu! Look who ees in Paree! Quelle Surprise! Le Pompous Twit!
While in Paris, Mr. L entertains the troops at the USO with his toe dance routine!
For nostalgia sakes, Mr. L stops by a Paris construction site and recreates the pose (Smug SOB) that made him famous!